Instructing – a funded course!

What is it?

  • Ted Lys & Women Gliding part-funding up to £500 for a number of Part 1 & Part 2 courses facilitated by the BGA and Training Standards Manager Stu Naylor, and run by and for female and non-binary pilots (Basic Instructors - BIs - and BI candidates)

Is it for me?

When is it?

  • Probably end of September, beginning of October

Where is it?

  • We’re currently working that out - somewhere suitable (with winch and aerotow, with bunkroom availability and a generally good infrastructure) that’s reasonably easy to reach from various parts of the country

How do I get in?

  • We will send a very 'lite' application form to everyone who we know is interested by 12 May. This includes everyone who attended the session on 27 April or who have contacted us since to express interest.
    If you have not yet been in touch, email and let us know you want to be part of this!
  • We aim to make the awards by the end of May so that you can get busy with your prep!

Previous statements... for info

We know that there are relatively few female instructors, and we want to help increase diversity in the instructor group. So, this year Women Gliding - in conjunction with Launchpoint  - are organising an instructor course in late summer / early autumn. This course might just be made for you! And the great news is that we’ve secured funding support for this!  

There is NO complicated application process, and we’d encourage anyone with the relevant experience to come along and find out more.  There are several ways to find out more:

This is for anyone (female or non-binary) thinking they might want to get into instructing or upgrade their instructor rating.  If you’re not sure whether instructing’s for you, just get in touch and ask us about it - gliding needs more people like us!

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