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Supporting female glider pilots

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Get out in the open air?
Find your inspiring life purpose?

This thriving community can help connect you to the natural elements and the art of being able to stay airborne without an engine.

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Our activities

The World Championships has finished until 2023!

Here at Women Gliding we are pleased to announce there have been 3 new champions crowned after the Women's Worlds Gliding Championships finished last week! Congratulations to the top three in each class, amazing effort in difficult conditions! You can view the full results here at ย Big shout out to Claudia Hill placing 2nd […]...

‘Well I never!’ – Winter Talks

The team at Women Gliding are excited to announce the first Women Gliding 'Well I Never!' zoom talk, at 8pm on 8th January. WG squad member Harriet Gamble will give a talk on 'The View From Above - an introduction to Earth Observation satellites and their powerful contribution to understanding our planet.' Register here:...

Aerial image of Sutton Bank from the south, with the White Horse in the foreground

Winter Weekend at Sutton Bank!

We're organising a Winter Weekend at Sutton Bank, from Friday 7th โ€“ Sunday 9th February 2025. If you've been to Sutton Bank before, you'll know that it's a wonderful gliding site with some spectacular views over the North York Moors and over the Vale of York to the Dales. It's a ridge site, and so […]...

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