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Supporting female glider pilots
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This thriving community can help connect you to the natural elements and the art of being able to stay airborne without an engine.
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Our activities
The World Championships has finished until 2023!
Here at Women Gliding we are pleased to announce there have been 3 new champions crowned after the Women's Worlds Gliding Championships finished last week! Congratulations to the top three in each class, amazing effort in difficult conditions! You can view the full results here at ย Big shout out to Claudia Hill placing 2nd […]...
Ted Lys bursaries for advanced training
The Launchpoint Trust is accepting applications for the 2022 Ted Lys Awards. The Ted Lys Awards are bursaries towards the costs of coaching and development activities to support glider pilots make a rapid advance towards fulfilling personal aspirations in any sphere of gliding. Have a look on the website - you'll see that the Ted Lys Awards are aimed at advanced training, ......
How are you preparing for the 2022 season?
Believe it or not there is a lot to do during the winter to help you prepare for the upcoming season.ย Next year are you planning to get your bronze badge? or complete a badge distance? how about entering your first regional, national or international competition? Wherever you are in your flying experience, you can always keep busy during the winter months....
A big thank you to Alison Randle, Liisi Laks, Claudia Hill, Fran Roberts, Kelly Teagle, Liz Sparrow and everyone else who's kindly contributed photos and videos - you know who you are and we couldn't have created our online presence without you!
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